"I would like to congratulate Greg Strnad for his work on the Final Fantasy 8 series. The movies were all pleasing to watch due to their quality animation and attention to detail. Well done. The story was well presented in the 7 parts which can be veiwed right here on Greg's site."
-Aaron Nassau
"I just LOVED the Final Fantasy 8 series! It was the best movie series that I have ever seen! Make another series like it please!"
-Intamago 47
"Well I would like to say that the Final Fantasy series was just great and I think that Greg Strnad should make another series like it!"
-Alberto Munoz
"A real nice storyline to watch as it unfolds. I perfer to watch it the way I did it. Watch an episode a night, gives that real serial, what's gonna happen next, I can't wait until tomorrow kinda feel, and with this movie being what it is you can't wait for, that's just fine and dandy. It's not like they have a new problem to solve every episode; it carries on and ends and the exact right moment to leave you hungry for more. One downfall is that later in the movie, battle and magic scenes are all but forgotten about and replaced with hard to fathom techno jargon. I think the GOLD Edition should put those things in layman's terms or something. I sure hope the legend continues…"
-Huges Twins Studios
"A very intriguing storyline! Who would think that a 3DMM movie could get stretched out so long!?!"
-Chris Hughes
"I really liked the Final Fantasy 8 series. It had great special effects, and a very interesting storyline! The action scenes were spaced out, too, just so that one would not get bored. What a great movie!"
-Miles Dahl of M.E.S. Pictures
"I would like to say that this series was just tops! The BIG thumbs up!!!!"
"It was a very good concept of what life is like after FFVII. Greg has really gave it that Final Fantasy atmosphere. One of the best films of all time. I put them all together on one movie and cut out the to be contunued stuff… all together it runs at 1 hour!"
-KTS Industries
"Final Fanstasy [VIII] is a great movie and I'm glad it came out."
-Nick Maund of Nick Maund Movie
"Very nice series! The magic blasts were awsome, the storylinewas great, and it all fit together in a perfect series. I can't wait for FF9!"
-Cronet Studios
"Hip-hip! Hooray! Hip-hip! Hooray! And ya know, I'd get too tired of typing if I were to go on with what this movie deserves in the hip-hipping and hooraying scale! This is a must-see! Wow! Whoa! Wozzles! Woozles! How the heck did Greg do this? How? Greg, how? How long did it take to develop that dang storyline?! Again, just please watch this movie! No swearing, not too much violence, and no graphic footage or anything! Most people think that's the enjoyable stuff, but I don't! And even though, for you violent gory addicts, this movie is STILL awesome to watch! My younger brother, Mike Wilken, says that it's the best movie he's ever seen! Not just on 3DMM, but in his whole life, combining TV stuff and computer stuff! Way to go Greg! That's how we do that now!!!"
-Jeff Wilken of Futureworks Entertainment
"The Final Fantasy series was the best set of 3D movies I've seen. I hope Greg makes either a new series or a full-length movie."
"EXCELLENT series! Amazing!!! 5/5 stars!!!"
-ARC Films
"There is little I can say that hasn't been said already, but that won't stop me from trying. This movie is EXTREMELY well made, with a very deep storyline and some great action scenes attached. Even people who enjoy just action will like to watch this movie for the fight scenes, while everyone else will watch for the story. A GREAT series, watch this now!"
-Cool Kid of Cool Kid Productions
"An awesome blend of adventure, action, suspense, and mind-blowing battle scenes. This was a series that will sure be sure to go down in history as a true classic to the 3DMM community."
-Landon Pemper of Pemper Cousins Productions
"I thought that the Final Fantasy VIII series has to be the best Sci-Fi movie series ever made on 3DMM compared to over 40 Sci-Fi movies from various other websites. The special effects were incredible and the story just blew you away. Well done Dragon Films."
-Jaymak Studios
"The Final Fantasy VIII… The Legend Continues Series was absolutely great. We think it's one of the best movie series which involve great special effects with a smart storyline!"
-JuiceBox Entertainment
"Hey, FF8 was an extremely well-done series! The use of the camera angles and the extremely FF-feel to the plot development and story complication worked very well, and a great use of sound and continuity rounded off the rest, making this one of my fave series of 3DMM! I would definetly watch FF Epic!"
-Griff of UltraFilms
"I liked this series. It was very good. Oh yeah DOWNLOAD NOW!!!!"
-MM Co.
"Man! I love this series! And it contains a lot of DF history in it! Keep up the good work!"
-Mako Productions
"I liked the story. I saw something similar done with the storytelling in a new webisode of Doctor Who (where they told a short part of the story each episode, ending with a cliffhanger each time). The animation wasn't too bad, but since then I've seen better (e.g. The Ultimate Epic). But still, not a bad job from Greg Strnad."
-Chris Palmer
"Best Sci-fi movie series ever, its old but still amazing! Greg has put a lot of great stuff into this movie series and I hope he carries on the good work and his good stories. My rating 10/10"
-Geoff of Beach Pictures |