Dragon Films

Movie Theaters Movie Theaters

Movies sent to Dragon Films by people from all over the world end up here in the theaters. I categorize them into six sections: Fantasy/Science Fiction, Action/Drama, Horror, Comedy, and BOMB Films (the sixth category, The Ultimate Epic, is used for my own 3DMM series of that name). In each theater, the movies are categorized alphabetically by title. Or, you may view the full Movie Listing Page to choose your movies from an easy-to-use list.

Note to users of this "static" version of the site: I have preserved the individual "theaters" for historical purposes, but generally speaking if you want to search for a particular movie I'd suggest checking out the Movie Listing Page or the full theater and using your browser's Search/Find feature.

Fantasy/Sci-Fi Theater (166 movies)
Fantasy/Sci-Fi Theater

166 movies
Action/Drama Theater (237 movies)
Action/Drama Theater

237 movies
Horror Theater (43 movies)
Horror Theater

43 movies

Comedy Theater (296 movies)
Comedy Theater

296 movies
The Ultimate Epic 2 movies)
The Ultimate Epic

2 movies
BOMB Films (185 movies)
BOMB Films

185 movies

Or... view all 929 movies at once!
(Warning... this may take quite some time to load!)

How to Open These Movies
In order to view these movies, you must have 3D Movie Maker installed on your computer. Additionally, you must have the Doraemon and 3DMM Expansion packs installed to view movies which take advantage of the additional content of the expansions. Because Dragon Films is so large, compression programs must be used to archive the actual .3mm files and make them smaller. Smaller files directly translate into shorter download times and easier hosting. There are two types of compression algorithms used on this website: RAR and ZIP. To ensure that you will be able to open the archives after downloading, please visit the Utilities page for information about downloading the appropriate decompression programs.

Dragon Films ©1998-2006 Greg Strnad. All rights reversed. 
Dragon Films