Dragon Films

The Theater The Theater

Currently browsing 185 movies in the following categories: 0 Fantasy/Sci-Fi, 0 Action/Drama, 0 Horror, 0 Comedy, 0 UEpic, and 185 BOMB

A GOOD Movie - Kent Seevers - 153 KB RAR

Ackshun Movie - Unknown director - 25.3 KB RAR

AD - Sadistic Studios - 3.8 KB RAR

Adventures with Doraemon - Chris Palmer of Explosive Pictures - 64.9 KB RAR

A-Holes - Marc Guzman - 1.05 MB ZIP

AIDS - Cameron Bourgeois of Shattered Dreams - 618 KB ZIP

Air Force One - Sam Scovill of Governor Pictures - 154 KB RAR

Aliens and Robots - Oliver of Cold Blood Productions - 767 KB RAR

The Arsonist - Disturbing L.T.D. - 94.8 KB RAR

The Assault III - Michael Zhu of Impact Productions - 122 KB RAR

The Badly Dressed Vampire - Dave Sitbon, Dave Markowski, and Tim Sullivan - 163 KB RAR

Ballista Test - Matt Spanel - 45.9 KB RAR

BAM! eXtreme - Unknown director - 656 KB RAR

Beverly Hills Cop 5 - SZ of SZ Productions - 361 KB RAR

The Big Fool - Mason Ward of 1-A-T - 42.1 KB RAR

Bimbo - 3BirB Corporation - 70.3 KB RAR

Blake Python's Lumberjack Bizness - Blake Trio of Redstone Productions - 600 KB ZIP

Bob the Sadistic Man - Eric Kowalczyk of 20th Century Ezza - 435 KB RAR

Bodies - Kevin Barrett of Raining Cats Productions - 891 KB RAR

Bongo's Weird Life - Ben Davenport of Venture Studios - 134 KB RAR

BOOGAN! - What's This Button Productions - 241 KB RAR

The Bully - VMNMM - 280 KB RAR

C1 - Robert Domke - 484 KB RAR

Captain Bonzai - Ryan Lambert of Reel Steel - 282 KB RAR

Catzilla - Iain Mitchell and Gordon Pyke - 87.1 KB RAR

Chris Palmer's Really Bad Imitationof Bongo The Traveler - Chris Palmer of Explosive Pictures - 78.0 KB RAR

City Life - Matthew Pakes of Mc Worm Movies - 22.0 KB RAR

Clifford: Reaking Havoc - Jose Valentin of Stefan Productions - 229 KB RAR

Colin's Chaos - Colin Jones - 1.18 MB RAR

The Computer - Mavhunter87 - 173 KB ZIP

Computer Generated Sitcom - Logan A - 130 KB RAR

Cool Action Movie - Unknown director - 84.8 KB RAR

Corsa - 3BirB Corporation - 61.8 KB RAR

The Crapyest Movy Ever - Unknown director - 32.4 KB RAR

Daddy (Nameless) - Unknown director - 68.1 KB RAR

Dance-O-Rama - Paul Tidd of Dance-O-Rama! Inc. - 173 KB RAR

A Day in the Life - Simon Fox of Fox Inc. - 74.8 KB RAR

D-Day - Steve - 871 KB RAR

Death to McZee - Daniel Elak of Five Star Pictures - 40.7 KB RAR

Die - Massimo Carlone of Massimox Films - 341 KB RAR

Die Hard '99 - Ryan of Rock Pictures - 134 KB RAR

Disasterpiece - Number One - Unknown director - 63.4 KB RAR

The Doctor - George of Excellento Pictures - 752 KB ZIP

Dog and Cat - Makenna Davenport of Fury Pictures - 245 KB RAR

The Dog Make Poopie - LordBlazer and Dug of Blazer Films - 65.1 KB RAR

Dr. Negative - Christopher Linehart of Rimy Films - 455 KB RAR

Dragonball Z the Next Level - Michael Cooper of Coopertron - 732 KB RAR

Dude - Unknown director - 6.4 KB RAR

A Duh Movie - What About Bob - 187 KB RAR

The Dumb Movie - Matt of Mattco - 26.7 KB RAR

Dumbest Movie Ever - Alien Raider Industrial - 26.7 KB RAR

Dumbest Movie Ever 2 - Alien Raider Industrial - 74.9 KB RAR

Dumbest Movie Ever 3 - Alien Raider Industrial - 102 KB RAR

Electrobuzz - Prohebious Lazana - 277 KB RAR

Explode 2 - Dave Sitbon - 50.1 KB RAR

Explosive Poop! - Unknown director - 56.4 KB RAR

Fantasma in Eredità - Don Milan Mayer - 964 KB RAR

Fast Food Massacre - Andrew Murphy - 355 KB RAR

Fat - Trevor - 1.06 MB ZIP

Fay Guy - Makenna Davenport of Fury Pictures - 42.9 KB RAR

Fight - Eric Mielsen of Lack Toast'n'Tolerant - 2.38 MB ZIP

Forest - Sharon Trimmer - 153 KB RAR

The Freak - George of Excellento Pictures - 90.6 KB RAR

Fun Police - Matt Barnes of Evil Movie Maker Company - 189 KB RAR

Funny 1 - Chris Hill of Paramount Pictures - 49.1 KB RAR

A Funny Movie - Craig Davies - 38.0 KB RAR

Furious MadMaN I - DooMKiLLeR - 306 KB RAR

Furious MadMaN II - DooMKiLLeR - 376 KB RAR

Gangstars - Spencer Sult - 976 KB ZIP

The Garbage Man - Obganstarr - 914 KB ZIP

The Gay Sniper - Tom Kearns - 26.5 KB RAR

General Nyman - Psychonick Entertainment - 478 KB RAR

Ghetto - Paul Tidd of Penguin Paul Productions - 563 KB ZIP

Gibberish - What About Bob - 481 KB RAR

Girl Falls in Love with Vampire - Unknown director - 66.3 KB RAR

Going Somewhere - Kyle Ruppel of Sorcerer Productions Limited - 319 KB ZIP

The Goldberg Variations - Yuri Johnson - 46.7 KB RAR

The Golden Girls, Big New House - Jordan Paredes - 271 KB RAR

Hackers - Stefan - 31.4 KB RAR

Halloween H40 - Steven Reilly, Steven Jalicy and Fraser Ryan - 160 KB RAR

Happy Tree 1 - Thomas Gallagher of Gallagher Productions - 210 KB RAR

Happy Tree 2 - Thomas Gallagher of Gallagher Productions - 209 KB RAR

Heat with Dad - Scott Walenty of Walenty Studios - 827 KB ZIP

HERCS - Parker Hamblin - 30.9 KB RAR

Ice - Unknown director - 32.7 KB RAR

Ice Cream KILLER - Milo of SwazzaBLADE Productions - 63.6 KB RAR

The In Crowd - Spencer Sult - 528 KB ZIP

Intruders - X Production - 646 KB ZIP

Jack 1: Getting the Mail - Scott Mehaffey of McFlaps Productions - 1.31 MB ZIP

Jack 2: Adios Amigo - Scott Mehaffey of McFlaps Productions - 1.66 MB ZIP

The Jalal Series 1 - Chris Fugere of Speedy Productions - 236 KB RAR

The Jalal Series 2 - Chris Fugere of Speedy Productions - 183 KB RAR

The Jalal Series 3 - Chris Fugere of Speedy Productions - 217 KB RAR

James Bond Take Cover - Unknown director - 1.31 MB RAR

Jim - Jim Weatherby of Crazy Productions - 480 KB RAR

Jimmy Don't Like It - Unknown director - 32.2 KB RAR

Joe Pesci Meets Forrest Gump - Joe Pesci - 423 KB ZIP

John #1… John Bond - Daved Moseley and Thomas Saville of SuperSonic Productions - 196 KB ZIP

Kikky & Sqeak #0000 - Bryn C. Doherty of BD Movies - 323 KB RAR

Kikky & Sqeak #0003 - Bryn C. Doherty of BD Movies - 423 KB RAR

Killer Soccer Balls - Nathan O'Brien of Mr Kitty - 29.4 KB RAR

The Lab - Patmaster of Patmaster Productions - 458 KB RAR

Late for Work - Kyle Ruppel of Sorcerer Productions Limited - 91.5 KB RAR

Lesson 1: Explosions - Unknown director - 20.7 KB RAR

Lesson 2: Weapons - Unknown director - 41.2 KB RAR

Lesson 3: Cars - Unknown director - 216 KB RAR

Little Girl Go Play - Michael Paredes - 16.0 KB RAR

The Lone Ranger - Matt Barnes of Evil Movie Maker Company - 183 KB ZIP

The Lost Puppy - Makenna Davenport of Fury Pictures - 107 KB RAR

Mad Episode 1 - Martyn Breed of Mart2000 Productions - 129 KB RAR

Mad Episode 2 - Martyn Breed of Mart2000 Productions - 389 KB ZIP

The Making of a Cuban Cigar - Brian Chahley of JuiceBox Films - 16.3 KB RAR

The Man and Boy Go Pass Through the Big Street - Adam Bronson - 152 KB RAR

A Man of Pain - BigBadBongo2001 of Big Bad Bongo Productions - 379 KB RAR

Manslaughter - Blake Guy of Toxic Films Inc. - 53.1 KB RAR

The Many Deaths of Shaft - Gorosaurus of Gorosaur Industries - 782 KB ZIP

Meatloaf - Michael Paredes - 40.6 KB ZIP

Mental - Blake Trio of Redstone Productions - 169 KB RAR

Mike's Spoof - Mike - 20.4 KB RAR

Milligan's Isle - Royel of Universal Films - 52.7 KB RAR

The Monster - Emil Lundin - 34.6 KB RAR

Mortal Kombat 4 - Eric Kowalczyk of 20th Century Ezza - 164 KB RAR

My New Dad - Bum - 40.5 KB ZIP

Nakita the Travelar - Joe Anderson of Happy Films Inc. - 85.0 KB RAR

New Expansion - Massimo Carlone of Massimox Films - 23.4 KB RAR

No Use Crying Over Stolen Mitochandria - Roger and Billy - 189 KB RAR

Not Potty Trained at 32 - Daniel Piggot of Piggot Films - 481 KB RAR

The Not So Mortal Kombat - Shaun Winfield of SWM Films - 1.82 MB ZIP

The Old Lady - Andrew Hrysicos - 39.4 KB RAR

Ouch! - Eric Bullock - 56.8 KB RAR

The Park - Unknown director - 199 KB RAR

Patmaster Combat - Patmaster of Patmaster Productions - 148 KB RAR

The Perfect Boat Ride - Danny T of Danny Productions - 3.20 MB ZIP

Peter Griffin Rap - Kevin Todte - 342 KB ZIP

Pinocio - The Way It Really Happened - Martyn Breed of MBM Productions - 538 KB ZIP

The Plane Escape - Xavier of Binc Inc. - 127 KB ZIP

Poo Face - Russ Stepan - 54.0 KB ZIP

Poo Face 2 - Russ Stepan - 53.9 KB RAR

The Psycho Rapists 3 - Yuri Johnson - 281 KB RAR

The Race - Makenna Davenport of Fury Pictures - 16.2 KB RAR

Run, Crash, Die - Dustin Sparks - 139 KB RAR

A Sailor Death - Royel of Universal Films - 21.1 KB RAR

Scary - MM Co. - 303 KB ZIP

A School Day at High School - Mackson - 367 KB ZIP

Set Up - Garrett Doyle of G D FilmZ - 1.73 MB ZIP

The Shadow Man - Ash Sharifi of Eraser Squad - 111 KB RAR

Skateboarding @ Mystery Guy @ Snowboarding - Unknown director - 822 KB ZIP

Some Guy Gets Hit by a Missile, Starts on Fire, and Dies - Dustin Sparks - 70.3 KB RAR

Some Guy Goes Outside, Falls Off a Bridge, and Dies - Dustin Sparks - 64.4 KB RAR

Some Guy Shakes a Liter Bottle of Pop, Gets Hit with the Cap, and Dies - Dustin Sparks - 124 KB RAR

Son of a Bitch - Dennis Schock of Schock Films - 1.00 MB ZIP

Songo Terrificante - Unknown director - 398 KB RAR

Space Mutants! - Mark Froncisz of MarkFroSoft - 148 KB RAR

Spaceship Wrecked 4 - Thordorth of Foxy Productions - 148 KB RAR

STAB - Ryan Boyle and Andrew Robertson of RoBoMac Productions and MacMahon Studios - 1.35 MB RAR

Star Gangstas - Karl Mohler - 1.06 MB ZIP

Stick Short - Matt Wentz of Labtek Films - 44.6 KB RAR

A Struggle for Life - Melrose Let Down of Undisputed Productions - 368 KB ZIP

The Stupid Funny Sketch Show - Brad Vanderhoef of Elemental Films - 487 KB RAR

Super Smash Brothers - Wesley Moses - 372 KB RAR

Swim - Unknown director - 22.8 KB RAR

T.O.M. - Adam Bronson - 111 KB RAR

Tae Bo - Rachel Shallit - 52.6 KB RAR

Techno Bakin' Episode 1 - Spencer Sult - 476 KB ZIP

Terminator 3 - M.F.E. Studio - 202 KB RAR

Terror in the City - Joe McShane of Joe McFilms - 122 KB RAR

Terror in the Skies - Joe McShane of Joe McFilms - 121 KB RAR

Terrorist - Blake Trio of Redstone Productions - 205 KB RAR

The Cosby Show - Jordan Paredes - 247 KB RAR

The Theift Part 1 - Eric of E' Companee' - 107 KB RAR

Tips 101 - Seth Daniels - 64.0 KB RAR

The Toilet Guy Part 1 - Scott Tufrey of HappyDude Productions - 41.4 KB ZIP

The Tortured Death of Bongo - Chris Hill - 304 KB ZIP

Tribes - Adam Bronson - 40.5 KB RAR

UFO Forever - Eric Co. - 953 KB RAR

Unexpected & Uncalled For Fight - Matt Wentz of Labtek Films - 54.7 KB RAR

Universal Madness - Royel of Universal Films - 72.9 KB RAR

Universal Thief - Royel of Universal Films - 131 KB RAR

When Bigoleths Ruled the Earth - Adam Bronson - 127 KB ZIP

Woof 1 - Martin Esser and Ben Adams of martinsmovies.co.uk - 58.3 KB ZIP

Woof 2 - Martin Esser and Ben Adams of martinsmovies.co.uk - 446 KB ZIP

WWE Raw - Blake Guy - 2.87 MB RAR

Yell and Die - Alex Stefanelli - On mirror server

Yet Another Random Fighting Movie - Eric Neilson of Lack Toast'n'Tolerant Productions - 3.24 MB ZIP

Zok - Unknown director - 22.4 KB RAR

Dragon Films ©1998-2006 Greg Strnad. All rights reversed. 
Dragon Films